Exchange API

Fast crypto swaps for your platform.

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What We Do

The growing interest in cryptocurrencies is proof that they are indeed an alternative to fiat. The influx of new consumers demands an easier and faster way to exchange cryptocurrencies.

This is exactly what we do at ChangeHero.

We enable users to swap over 80 popular cryptos seamlessly without any account.

ChangeHero Exchange API is best-in-class and trusted by wallets like Exodus, Trezor and Cool Wallet S.

Why integrate our Exchange API?

Payouts in BTC

Why risk losing thousands of dollars from Altcoins? Your revenue from conversions will always be calculated in BTC. Stack your earnings at peace.

High Liquidity

We source liquidity from various trading platforms like Binance, Huobi, OKEx, KuCoin and Float SV. What if one goes down? Nothing happens to the transactions on ChangeHero. We ensure uninterrupted service 24/7.

Fast Transactions

ChangeHero is registration-free which means users can swap crypto super fast. It takes less than 15 minutes to exchange crypto.

Flexible Fee Model

Your exchange, your fee. Based on your preference, you can set your fee on top of our low commission.

Easy to integrate

You don’t have to spend hours of your valuable time setting up the API. Integrating ChangeHero exchange API is super easy and fast. Our technical team will guide you throughout the process.

Better Rates

We provide better rates than our competitors in the space. We also offer generous minimum and maximum limits for transactions. The minimum withdrawal amount for payouts is 0.01BTC.

24/7 Support

What if there’s an issue with a transaction? Fear not, our support team is ready to help you round the clock. For quicker communication, we offer to set up a Slack channel.

Marketing Opportunities

Let’s kickstart the partnership with a marketing campaign on social media and announcements in mass media. Crypto Twitter loves our interviews and content. The previous activities resulted in over 200k impressions.

Integrate ChangeHero Exchange API!

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